10.) “Chopped down” - a Bossip term used to describe when two people are getting it in or sexually engaging wheather it’s one night, months or a lifetime. If you got the buns you’ve been chopped down. 9.) Autotune – nobody really understood what autotune is until Jay-Z told it to die … or a little before because music nowadays has folks wondering why everybody sounds like T-Pain or Roger Troutman for the oldheads. 8.) Fail – a sad or unrealistic attempt to pull something off with great ease but from the gate it was unsuccessful and the person probably knew it or is in a state of denial. 7.) “Miss me with the BS” – in other words, don’t approach anyone fully aware that you’re trying to play him or her. Try it on a sucka that you can run game on. 6.) Twitter - overnight networking phenomenon that propelled someone to baller status for such an ingenious idea. Celebs and everyday folks have now found a way to communicate instantaneously … “tweeting.” Not too long ago, most were asking, “what is this ‘Twitter’ ish I keep hearing about?” 5.) “Tea bagger” – became a politically incorrect term when health care reform became an issue. “Tea Parties” were the folks who marched outside the White House and started fights at town hall meetings because they disagree with President Obama’s agenda. While the true slang term refers to someone who sucks on scrotums … somehow “Tea Party Protesters” adopted the title. 4.) “No Homo” – fellas, it’s okay for you to express your love to your brethren as long as you follow up with this catchphrase. Example: “You know Tony, you’re a good-looking guy No homo. No homo.” *casually* “You have no game.” 3.) “Sexting” - you know those raunchy text messages you get from your significant other describing all the things they want to do to your body. It’s not officially sexting until you get one back and it becomes an exchange. You can’t be the only one “sexting.” 2.) “Kill yo’ self” – this is wrong on so many levels because if someone was really fragile and wanted to take their own life and they did because you told them, you would feel guilty for the rest. But when used in a caring sense, all it means is “don’t do that” or “why would you do that? You might as well …” 1.) “Chris Brown’d” – when a man physically assaults a woman in an angry fit of rage. Ok, it’s terrible. We know. But it is what is is. Sorry Breezy. Happy Holidays, Here’s to a bigger and brighter 2010!2009 has been a crazy and strange year to so many, it’s no wonder the jargon, buzzwords and slang terms have become even crazier. Since the start of the year, how many people have pretended to understand a phrase and later turned to the person nearest you and asked, “Soooo, what does that mean?” Or, “What in the world is a Gut Full o’ Human? That sounds pretty vile.” Or is that precisely the point? To leave an impression or add just enough shock value to your conversations that you will forever be remembered as the girl who said I had “panty droppa” potential. Here are a few catchphrases that stood out in 2009. Take a look and leave your thoughts!
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
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Fashion Forward or Just Another Ho Playin’ Dress Up???The Bald Headed Beast is really trying to leave the past behind, and we can’t knock her for trying. Besides the shoot that she did for Elle magazine, VIBE definitely took her to another level on this one. That little hairpiece is another story…but pop the hood and tell us what you think…
Posted by DEBBIE 0 comments
I was done with Hip Hop a long time ago. Once my generation left, I left. I do it, but there’s nobody from my generation besides Jay who’s doing it. I look at Lil Wayne as being from my generation. Some people are still acceptable. Kanye is acceptable from my generation. He must have run out of beats, so now it’s time to recycle them in another genre.Timbaland is on set with Katy Perry for their new jawn “If We Ever Meet Again”. Timbaland said in a recent interview that he is done with hip hop and it looks like he is keeping that promise.
Posted by DEBBIE 0 comments
Diddy Providing Safe Rides To Drinkers on New Year's Eve
Bad Boy's media mogul is bringing back his “Safe Rides” program to pay for taxi and subway rides for consumers on New Year's Eve. Diddy and Ciroc have teamed up with E! Entertainment and the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission to distribute pre-paid taxi cards with values of up to $15 to encourage responsible decision making as people ring in the New Year. Speaking on the impending success of this year's program, Diddy described his pride over the re-launch saying, “As the 'Official Vodka of New Year's Eve,' we made a huge impact last year helping New York get home safely, so I'm proud to announce that we're bringing Safe Rides back in an even bigger way. By bringing this program to both of these great cities we will continue to show the rest of the country that a sophisticated holiday celebration doesn't end when the ball drops, but when everyone gets home safely." Thousands of debit and MTA cards will be given to adults in New York between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on New Year's Eve. Each debit card will provide up to $15.00 in cab fare and are also redeemable for a one-way subway or bus fare valued at $2.25. In Las Vegas the cards will be passed out at various locations. This is actually a really good idea Diddy. Hopefully he'll expand it to include Atlanta next year.As New Year's Eve quickly approaches, Diddy's pulling out all the stops to make sure drinkers of his Ciroc vodka get home safely after they celebrate the Holiday.
Posted by DEBBIE 0 comments
A British tabloid report claiming that Rihanna will have to tone down her raunchy performances for her New Year’s Eve concert in Abu Dhabi is “totally inaccurate” according to organisers Flash. The Daily Mirror reported on Sunday that the Barbadan singer had been told to dress more conservatively for her concert in the UAE and that the star was now “tearing her hair out over what to do”. It also reported that Rihanna is being paid $500,000 (Dh1.85 million) for the concert. In a statement, organisers Flash rubbished the claims, saying ‘‘the facts and figures recently reported around Rihanna’s Abu Dhabi concert are totally inaccurate. Rihanna is bringing an incredible new stage show to the capital and there’s no doubt the event will be fantastic; an ideal way to celebrate the beginning of a new decade.”Aw sheeeet! Break out the pasties… Despite previous reports that said Rihanna would have to tone down her normally risque concert wear, promoters recently announced she is free to take it off!
Posted by DEBBIE 0 comments
daddy cheetah*ealy woods say;'i have told Tiger that marriage is un-neccessary in a mobile society like ours..JOKER!
Over a previous lunch with a reporter Earl was quoted saying: “I’ve told Tiger that marriage is unnecessary in a mobile society like ours.” Tiger Woods’s parenting role model was his father, Earl, who was committed to rearing him after having two sons and a daughter in a failed first marriage. Earl, a retired Army officer, attributed the divorce to military obligations that took him away from the family. SMH. Is marriage that overrated???Tiger’s father Earl Woods was quoted on how he warned Tiger about marriage..
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